Submission of Accomplished e-IPCRF in the Online System
Accomplishment of the Excel-based IPCRF Tool. All ratees (teachers) shall use the official Excel-based electronic IPCRF tool in inputting IPCR data for SY 2024-2025. Before finalizing the eIPCRF tool, the Rater and Approving Authority shall verify the ratings encoded by the Ratees.
After finalizing the eIPCRF tool, ratees shall submit it to the school head.
School Heads or the non-teaching personnel assigned shall upload the accomplished and finalized elPCRF tools of individual teachers in the system.
Uploading and submission of the e-IPCRF Tool. To upload and submit, access the online elPCRF collection and consolidation system at using only the offcial school email account registered in the system
By default, school email accounts registered in the system are school ID-based ( For example:
For schools with extensions in their official school email accounts or with different email convention (example:, they shall coordinate with the Division Information Technology Officer (ITO) for registration of email accounts in the system.
For schools that need resetting of their school email account passwords, they shall coordinate with the Division ITO.
Registration and access to the Online eIPCRF System shall strictly for official school email accounts ONLY. This is to avoid potential issues of accessibility in case of personnel (teacher, school heads, administrative officers) movements such as promotion, transfer, details, and others.
Division ITO shall manage the user accounts in the division level. As division account managers, they shall have the following system accessibilities:
a. Registration of official school email accounts in the system
b. Modification or updating of school account credentials
c. Deletion of registered accounts when needed
d. Generation of division summary of performance
DOWNLOAD: e-IPCRF SY 2024-2025
Read download > DepEd Memo No. 017, s. 2025