Pursuant to DepEd Order (DO) No. 009, s. 2024 (Implementing Guidelines on the School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2024-2025), the school year shall end on April 15, 2025. Thus, the EOSY rites shall be any of the dates from April 14-15, 2025.
The theme of the SY 2024-2025 EOSY rites shall be Henerasyon ng Pagkakaisa: Kaagapay sa Bagong Pilipinas (Generation of Unity: Partners for the New Philippines). The theme underscores the importance of unity and collective efforts in achieving a stronger and brighter future, emphasizing the crucial role of the, current generation in supporting one another and working together toward a new and progressive Philippines.
The following provisions stipulated in DO 009, s. 2023 (An Order Updating the Multi-Year Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of the K to 12 Basic Education Program End-of-School-Year Rites), are reiterated:
a. Graduation and Moving-Up Ceremonies shall be simple but meaningful. While these rites mark a milestone in the lives of the learners, graduation and moving-up ceremonies shall be conducted without excessive spending, extravagant attire, or extraordinary venues.
b. Non-academic projects articulated in DO 66, s. 2017 titled Implementing Guidelines on the Conduct of Off-Campus Activities, such as attendance to field tripa, film showings, Junior Senior Promenade, and other school events, shall not be imposed graduation or completion requirements.
c. For public schools, expenses relative to the activity shall be charged to the school's Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE), subject to existing guidelines. No DepEd personnel shall be allowed to collect any kind of contribution or fee for the Graduation/Moving-Up Ceremonies in accordance with the provisions of DO 19, s. 2008 (Implementation of No Collection Policy in All Public Elementary and Secondary Schools).
d. The format of the certificate of completion and diploma shall be in accordance with Enclosure 1, pages 44 to 46 of DO 031, s. 2019 (The Department of Education Service Marks and Visual Identity Manual). e. All DepEd officials (including third-level officials), teaching, and nonteaching personnel are prohibited from engaging in any electioneering or partisan political activity in relation to the forthcoming 2025 National and Local Elections, pursuant to DO 048, s. 2018 (Prohibition on Electioneering and Partisan Political Activity), and DO 047, s. 2022 (Promotion of Professionalism in the Implementation and Delivery of Basic Education Programs and Services) and its amendments through DO 049, s. 2022.
All learners, including transferees, who have met the standards, criteria, and guidelines set in DO 36, s. 2016 titled Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for the K to 12 Basic Education Program shall be recognized.
To ensure the safety and protection of learners, teachers, and attendees, schools are advised to hold their EOSY Rites in indoor venues with proper ventilation or covered courts to avoid exposure to the extreme heat of the sun. Schools shall avoid scheduling their EOSY Rites during the time of the day when temperatures are at their highest.
Read/download : DM 027, s. 2025