SHS-TVL Learners' National Certification Assessment Process


This process flow has been laid out to support school heads and teachers in particular. For other field personnel, please refer to the guidelines for the complete details of the process.

Step 1: Identify eligible learners

-Refer to the guidelines for the specific eligibility requirements
-For SY 2024-2025, prioritize the Grade 12 formal and ALS learners
-Ensure that learners have taken qualifications with promulgated Training Regulations

Step 2: Prepare learners for application

Ensure that learners are able to prepare their application requirements, namely: 
-Assessment Application Form
-Accomplished Self-Assessment Guide (SAG)
-Three (3) passport-size pictures (white background)

The Application Form and SAG are available for download from the TESDA website. Step 3: Submit Application Documents, preferably by the 1st week of the month
-Option 1: SHS Principal/Head endorses documents to TESDA Provincial/District Office and EPS.
-Option 2: DepEd SDS consolidates school submissions and forwards them to TESDA.

Step 4: Wait for feedback on the schedule of assessments and disseminate the same to the students.

Step 5: Remind students to proceed to the designated venue on the date of the assessment.

Read more: DepEd Order 003, s. 2025 | March 4, 2025